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The COVID-19 Virus is Mutating, Causing Concern in the Medical Community

While there is much hope on the horizon because of the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines, the news of the new mutations of the virus is certainly causing concern in medical circles. You are not alone if...

Want to Share Your Excitement About Receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine? Think Again

You cannot get on social media these days without seeing snapshots of COVID-19 vaccination cards. It is understandable that people are excited to share the good news when they are lucky enough t...

Having Trouble Sleeping During the Pandemic? Here is Why and What You Can Do

You are not alone if you are suffering from insomnia during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the promising news on the horizon with more and more people getting vaccinated and cases beginning...

A significant percentage of your health problems are related to your lifestyle. Therefore, you can prevent life-threatening diseases like cancer, stro...

Living a healthier life starts with making a few changes to what you eat and some of your activities. Then, follow the s...

5 Things to Know About Your CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Card

The United States far exceeded President Biden's promise and goal to get 100 million shots into arms by his 100th day of being president. That goal was met on day 58. On that day, he updated the goal to be 200 million...

Many people struggle to take care of their mental health at some point in life. Others have struggled with this problem for a lengthy period. But ther...

Use the habits shared below to boost your mental health and become a happy person. 1. Socialize We are current...

Understanding How Multiple Sclerosis Affects the Body in Multiple Ways

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a disease that affects the central nervous system, disrupting the exchange of information between the brain and the rest of the body. According to the National MS Society, ther...

Struggling with a Weight Loss Plateau? Here is How You Can Break Through

Anyone who has ever tried to lose weight has likely experienced the dreaded plateau. While the weight generally comes off easy during the first few weeks of the effort, this progress eventually stalls ...

How to Manage Anxiety After Social Distancing for a Year

After nearly 18 months of social distancing, people are finally feeling more comfortable leaving their homes and joining their friends and extended family members. People are also doing more activities in person, such ...